Ordering Information
Minimum order quantities and/or additional shipping charges may apply. A dangerous goods charge applies to GermXtra 4L. A handling charge applies to each order shipped. Prices and product availability are subject to change without notice.
Accepted methods of payment: Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, cheque or EFT.
All prices and additional charges quoted do not include applicable taxes.
Return Policy
Products are accepted for refund/exchange within 30 days of invoice date.
Orders that are more than 30 days past the invoice date cannot be refunded or exchanged.
Products may not be returned before receiving approval (Return Merchandise Authorization) from Germiphene’s customer service department.
Items must be returned in new, unopened, resalable condition in the original packaging.
A 25% restocking fee with a minimum restocking charge of $25 applies to all returns and exchanges that are not the fault of Germiphene.
Customer is responsible for arranging their own return shipping.
Shortages or errors in shipments must be reported within 14 days of invoice to receive credit.
The following items will not be accepted for return or exchange: discontinued items, product within 6 months of its expiration date (including expired product), Oro-Clense, Oro-Clear, Germxtra, clearance items, and special order items.
Germiphene New Customer Guarantee
We do offer a First Time Customer Guarantee for customer who are not satisfied with a product. Please contact our customer service team within 30 days of the purchase and our team will work with you to see if you qualify for a potential return or credit. Certain product categories and product volumes do not apply.